Results for: impact

In the News

As Palestinians continue to resist the increasingly oppressive policies of colonization, military occupation, and apartheid by the most right-wing and racist government in Israel's history, effective solidarity with their struggle for freedom, justice, and equality continues to grow.


In a major win for human rights activism against corporate complicity, the world's largest private security company Allied Universal, which owns G4S, has decided to sell all its remaining business in apartheid Israel. This follows years of an effective #StopG4S campaign waged by the BDS movement for Palestinian rights.

BNC Statement

Verviers joins Liége (Belgium), Oslo (Norway), Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) and Belém (Brazil) in ending complicity in Israel’s grave human rights violations.

BNC Statement

The mayor of Belém (Brazil), Edmilson Rodrigues, declares his city an Apartheid Free Zone, denouncing Isael’s “expulsion of a people from their ance


The Brit and Grammy award-winning artist canceled their performance in the Summer in the City festival in Tel Aviv, following multiple calls not to perform in apartheid Israel. 

BNC Statement

The Belgian of Liège votes to end all ties with Israel citing its regime of “apartheid, colonization and  military occupation” against Palestinians

In the News

The festival’s decision is a significant BDS victory in Belgium