Results for: BDS

In the News

“The university is proud of all its students and thanks those who did reserve service,” writes Tel Aviv University dean Yoav Ariel in a 13 August email. “I wish us all a swift return to our blessed routine.”

Open Letter

The following is a statement by scholars, ex-scholars and associates of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Germany, a think tank associated with the Left Party.  The Foundation’s official position on Palestine is currently under debate and it is periodically accused of antisemitism in German political discourse because of the Palestine-activism of many of its members.

August 19, 2014
Open Letter

In Gaza, there has been a great tragedy for humanity. The whole world is not reacting to it, as if they were all deaf and blind. The Israeli government has lost its discernment and has cruelly targeted Palestinian children. In Ramadan, the Muslim world’s holy month, people having iftar were disrupted by Israeli bombs, by tears, grief and sorrow. Everyone who remains silent in the face of this Israeli cruelty is complicit in this crime.

August 18, 2014
In the News

In the past month, a plethora of emergency aid responses, organisational position statements and NGO campaigns have been launched in response to the catastrophic Israeli assault on Gaza. Unfortunately, these have been of mixed quality, with most of them making strong comments on the level of destruction in Gaza yet, meanwhile, refusing to publicly condemn the architect of this destruction – the Israeli state and its allies who provide resources regardless of their known complicity in war crimes.

Open Letter

We, a group of academics, activists and artists in India, came together in 2010 to campaign against yet another apartheid regime by extending support to the international campaign for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel. (Visit our website for more information.)

In the News

The Organizing Committee of the 11th EBS International Documentary Festival (EIDF) announced on August 13th that it had cancelled its ‘Israeli Documentary Collection’ and ‘Conference on Israeli Documentaries,’ which led to the cancellation of the official sponsorship of the Israeli Embassy in South Korea.

In the News

As the smoke clears in devastated Gaza, University of Regina faculty, students and community members reaffirmed their anger over the school's discussions with Israeli universities.

August 14, 2014
Open Letter

We particularly appreciate that you distinguish between Jews in Britain and the Israeli State. We could not be further apart from the Israeli state. The insistence of the organisers of the UK Jewish Film Festival on including sponsorship from the Israeli Embassy

In the News

I do not know yet who your loved one was. She might have been a baby a few months old, or a young boy, a grandfather or one of your children or parents. I heard about your loved one’s death from Chico Menashe, a political commentator on Reshet Bet, Israel’s main radio station.

In the News

The Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Executive Committee strongly condemns the continuing attacks on Palestinian universities, colleges, and schools by the Israeli government, including most recently the June 2014 invasion of Birzeit University, and the August 2014 decimation of the Islamic University in Gaza City.