Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: Alemania


Short-list of the top 30 BDS moments of 2017, reflecting massive, collective work by supporters around the world. The BDS movement for Palestinian rights grew among trade unions, social movements and mainstream churches, in universities, among star athletes and prominent cultural figures, in parliaments and at the United Nations. It has compelled major multinationals to end their respective complicity in Israel’s egregious violations of Palestinian human rights, and grows stronger every day.


Palestinian Civil Society Calls For Sanctions on Israel to Stop Far-Right Israeli-Trump Alliance That Undermines Palestinian Rights and International Law

en las noticias

Israeli officials say some of the companies responded to the UN human rights commissioner by saying they won't renew their contracts in Israel

Declaración PACBI

A desperate attempt to divert attention from its shameful acceptance of Israel's sponsorship and its resultant complicity in whitewashing Israel's regime of occupation and apartheid.

August 17, 2017
Declaración PACBI

As in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, a regime of oppression and racism should never be welcomed in cultural spaces under the pretext of oppeness and inclusion. 

Alerta de Acción

On July 29, festival organizers in 8 countries are uniting to put on a “Tomorrowland” music event that will help whitewash Israel’s racist system of apartheid, military rule, siege over 2 million people, and ongoing, grave violations of Palestinian human rights. Sign up for this thunderclap to say NO to Tomorrowland, NO to Israeli apartheid.

en las noticias

In the last ten years, an old scholarly paradigm that was used for the historical analysis of European settler movements in various parts of the worlds, and in different periods, resurfaced in the

en las noticias

Tourism to Israel fell again in 2016, continuing a negative trend that began with the 

January 27, 2017
en las noticias

Academics from across Europe have written in support of Eleonora Roldán Mendívil, an academic at the Free University of Berlin who is being victimised for their support for Palestinian rights

January 23, 2017