Atue agora contra essas empresas que lucram com o genocídio do povo palestino!

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Results for: BDS


La lucha contra el colonialismo, el racismo y la militarización, y por la justicia climática, económica y social están profundamente interconectadas. El pueblo palestino también busca la justicia climática haciendo que los gobiernos y las empresas rindan cuentas. Palestina también es una cuestión de justicia climática.

Declaração BNC

The Centre International De Solidarité Ouvrière is a major coalition of 60+ Quebec labour unions and civil society groups, has unanimously passed a motion endorsing BDS and urges the Canadian government to designate Israel as an apartheid state.


In the aftermath of Ben & Jerry’s decision, Israeli politicians and some U.S. officials are waging a new wave of legal and political warfare against the company to suppress the growing support for Palestinian freedom and to silence anyone who speaks out against Israeli injustice. Take action to uplift the Palestinian call for justice and protect the right to protest.


As we continue to resist and to insist on our full menu of rights we call on you to support our march towards freedom. 


In a year marred by Israeli apartheid brutality and massacres, Palestinian hope and unity shine through.


Just as we launched our midyear fundraiser a few days ago, our BDS website came under a massive cyber attack.


As Israel unleashed fresh terror on Palestinians, we witnessed unprecedented global solidarity with our struggle for liberation. BDS co-founder, Omar Barghouti, shares why he believes freedom, justice, and equality are closer than ever.

nas noticias

The CUNY staff congress that represents 30,000 members across the university system passed a resolution calling out Israel as a settler-colonial and apartheid state, and committing to lead chapter discussions of BDS in Fall 2021.

nas noticias

Seattle educator and union member Emma Klein says, "Educators and institutions from around the world have come forward, as part of a vibrant and growing international movement in opposition to Israeli colonization and apartheid. We call on others to join us."

Declaração BNC

La población palestina de Jerusalén y de toda la Palestina histórica convocan mañana, 18 de mayo, a una huelga general para protestar por las masacres de Israel en Gaza y por la represión y la limp