Results for: Boycott

In the News

The Earth Times: Amman - The Jordan Artists Association (JAA) Thursday dropped its reservations over the Jordan Festival, giving the green light to Arab artists who had intended to boycott the event to change their mind. "After all ambiguities regarding the organizing firm were removed by His Majesty the King, we invite our Arab colleagues to go ahead with their plans to perform concerts," JAA President Shaher al-Hadid said in a statement.

July 4, 2008
In the News

The Earth Times: Amman - The Jordanian government appeared Monday under mounting pressure to cancel the Jordan Festival after at least three local and Arab singers announced they will not be performing at the event, citing "suspicion of normalizing ties with Israel."The boycott announcements were made amid confusion regarding the involvement of a French company, Publicis Groupe, in organizing the Jordanian national festivity after it handled Israel's 60th anni

June 30, 2008
In the News

A network of seventeen Palestinian human rights NGOs today launched a campaign to mobilize the international community to end Israel’s expulsion of Palestinians from Jerusalem.

The Civic Coalition for Jerusalem is calling for a ‘blacklist’ of corporations supporting the occupation of Jerusalem, and is asking activists all over the world to research companies in their own countries to go on the list.

June 21, 2008
In the News

Stop the Wall: Following reports that an Israeli company won a substantial contract to work in South Africa, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) issued a strong statement attacking the project, promising serious action if it is not halted.

June 15, 2008
In the News

LONDON (AFP): The speaker of the Welsh Assembly is to boycott a meeting with Israel's ambassador to Britain because of the Jewish state's failure to fulfil its obligations towards Palestinians.

Dafydd Elis-Thomas said he would not meet Ron Prosor at the legislature in Cardiff later this month after his colleague from the nationalist Plaid Cymru party Mohammad Asghar invited all 60 assembly members in an email Tuesday.

June 14, 2008
BNC Statement

To: Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas, AM and Speaker of the National Assembly for Wales

Cc: Mr. Mohammad Asghar, AM


June 14, 2008
In the News

International Solidarity Movement: In Chicago on June 11th, more than 50 Palestinian solidarity activists from numerous organizations gathered to oppose Caterpillar Corporations annual shareholders meeting. Caterpillar, an American company, is responsible for building and outfitting militarized bulldozers to sell to the Israeli army.

June 14, 2008
In the News

The Forward: If a local activist group has its way, Seattle could soon become the first major American city to divest from companies that provide material support to Israel.

June 14, 2008
In the News

From eFlux Media: French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard has canceled his participation in the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival due to “circumstances beyond his control,” festival organizers said on Monday.

Reuters reports Jean-Luc Godard canceled his previously scheduled trip to Israel after Palestinian group the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel urged him to boycott the event.

June 9, 2008
BNC Statement

Call to support the first major student union in Quebec or Canada to back the international campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions on Israel

Montreal May 2008: Across the world grassroots movements struggling in opposition to Israeli apartheid are marking the 60th year of the Palestinian Nakba (”catastrophe”) – 60 years of dispossession, ethnic cleansing and exile for Palestinians resulting from the creation of the state of Israel.

June 3, 2008