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بيان للحملة الفلسطينية للمقاطعة الأكاديمية والثقافية لإسرائيل

DGTL Tel Aviv takes place atop the ruins of an ethnically cleansed Palestinian village

بيان للحملة الفلسطينية للمقاطعة الأكاديمية والثقافية لإسرائيل

More than 150,000 people, hundreds of artists and over 100 LGBT+ organizations joined our calls to boycott Eurovision 2019


Marking a significant victory for the Boycott HP campaign and the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (FNV), the largest trade union of the Netherlands, with 1.1 million members, has dropped HP as a partner in their offers to their members.

في الأخبار

The Dutch government has rejected calls to cease funding organizations that advocate a boycott of Israel.

December 8, 2016