Results for: Switzerland


El listado de los 30 mejores logros de la Campaña de BDS en 2017 refleja un sólido trabajo colectivo por parte de sus seguidores en todo el mundo. La Campaña de BDS por los derechos palestinos se ha expandido entre sindicatos, movimientos sociales, entre las principales iglesias y universidades, entre figuras destacadas del deporte y de la cultura, en los parlamentos y en Naciones Unidas. Ha conseguido que importantes multinacionales pongan fin a su complicidad con las atroces violaciones israelíes contra los derechos humanos palestinos, y adquiere más fuerza. 


Short-list of the top 30 BDS moments of 2017, reflecting massive, collective work by supporters around the world. The BDS movement for Palestinian rights grew among trade unions, social movements and mainstream churches, in universities, among star athletes and prominent cultural figures, in parliaments and at the United Nations. It has compelled major multinationals to end their respective complicity in Israel’s egregious violations of Palestinian human rights, and grows stronger every day.


Swiss parliament and Spanish government reject efforts to criminalize the BDS human rights movement


Calls are mounting ahead of the 67th FIFA Congress for the world football governing body to expel Israeli football clubs based in illegal Israeli settlements.


Palestinians call for the dissolution of the FIFA Monitoring Committee Israel-Palestine, used as cover for FIFA to prevent action on Israeli settlements. 

In the News

FIFA is rightly proud of the work it does to support football development in Palestine.  We call on FIFA to condemn the demolitions in Umm Al Khair, and to defend the right of Palestinians throughout the Occupied Territories to live lives free of criminal terror and deprivation.

In the News

The National Coordination produced a journal giving details about the Consumer Boycott Campaign in Switzerland launched in February on a nation level. The journal informs a general public on the situation in occupied Palestine, on Israeli goods on sale in Swiss shops and on various aspects of the boycott. The front page shows the portraits of people stating “Israeli goods?

July 26, 2011

This article was written in 2010 as a contribution to a BNC e-magazine commemorating the 5th anniversary of the BDS call in July 9th 2005.

July 9, 2010