Results for: illegal settlements

BNC Statement attaches a legal warning to rentals inside apartheid Israel’s illegal settlements built on stolen Palestinian land.


Ex-Presidents Dilma Rousseff, Lula da Silva, Evo Morales, José Mujica, Rafael Correa among 320 public figures supporting Palestinian call for sanctions to stop Israel’s annexation and apartheid


With Israel delaying its plans, tens of Palestinian civil society organizations said Israel’s ongoing annexation and apartheid demand international sanctions

In the News

The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council released a statement today signed by tens of Palestinian civil society organzations renewing their call for targeted sanctions in response Israel's annexation and apartheid


During its annual meeting, Basque company CAF faced protests online and on the street, along with shareholder criticism


La empresa vasca CAF tuvo que enfrentar a protestas online y en la calle y a críticas desde el accionariado durante su junta general de accionistas.


Bere urteroko batzarrean, CAF euskal enpresak internet bidezko zein kaleko protesteei aurre egin behar izan zien eta akziodunen aldetik, kritikak jaso zituen.

BNC Statement

We welcome this long-delayed UN list of complicit companies. Some major firms involved with illegal settlements are not in the database and must be added. All these companies must be held to account.