Results for: impact


Company says that BDS is protected by freedom of expression and asserts that people have the right to criticize Israeli policies


Six of the eleven invited speakers have confirmed their withdrawal from a physics workshop at Ariel University, which is built on occupied Palestinian land in an illegal Israeli settlement. Palestinian academics urge remaining speakers to withdraw from the workshop.


Here’s a short-list of moments in 2018 demonstrating growing recognition of Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people and inspiring efforts around the world to hold Israel accountable for its gross violations of human rights. Support for Palestinian rights has grown in parliaments, city councils, universities, trade unions, cultural institutions, among artists and bands, and well beyond. Together, we grow it stronger every day.


Aquí hay una breve lista de hitos en 2018 que demuestran el creciente reconocimiento mundial de los crímenes israelíes contra el pueblo palestino, así como los inspiradores esfuerzos en todo el mundo para responsabilizar a Israel por sus graves violaciones de los derechos humanos. El apoyo a los derechos del pueblo palestino ha crecido en parlamentos, ayuntamientos, universidades, sindicatos, instituciones culturales, entre artistas y bandas, y mucho más. Juntas/os, lo hacemos más fuerte cada día.


Following a global campaign, Adidas is no longer sponsoring football teams in illegal Israeli settlements. Palestinians call on new sponsor Puma to end complicity with Israel's violations of international law. 

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Renowned authors have refused to have their works distributed by Israeli publishers in a stand for Palestinian rights.

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The Canadian academic society also commits to support the protected rights of students and scholars to engage in research and public speaking about Palestine, the state of Israel and in support of the BDS movement.


Movilizaciones en todo el mundo logran frustrar el uso del partido por parte del gobierno israelí para encubrir sus crímenes de guerra y sus atroces violaciones a los derechos humanos palestinos