Results for: Netherlands


El listado de los 30 mejores logros de la Campaña de BDS en 2017 refleja un sólido trabajo colectivo por parte de sus seguidores en todo el mundo. La Campaña de BDS por los derechos palestinos se ha expandido entre sindicatos, movimientos sociales, entre las principales iglesias y universidades, entre figuras destacadas del deporte y de la cultura, en los parlamentos y en Naciones Unidas. Ha conseguido que importantes multinacionales pongan fin a su complicidad con las atroces violaciones israelíes contra los derechos humanos palestinos, y adquiere más fuerza. 


Short-list of the top 30 BDS moments of 2017, reflecting massive, collective work by supporters around the world. The BDS movement for Palestinian rights grew among trade unions, social movements and mainstream churches, in universities, among star athletes and prominent cultural figures, in parliaments and at the United Nations. It has compelled major multinationals to end their respective complicity in Israel’s egregious violations of Palestinian human rights, and grows stronger every day.

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Seventy french organizations, associations, parties and unions urging the France -based insurance giant AXA to respect international law and cut ties with Israel’s colonial and apartheid system.


Last month, Egged Bus Systems (EBS), a subsidiary of Egged Israel Transport Cooperative Society, Israel’s largest public transportation operator, lost a bid for a decade-long contract to run public transportation in the North-Holland region of the Netherlands.


Swiss parliament and Spanish government reject efforts to criminalize the BDS human rights movement

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The Dutch government has rejected calls to cease funding organizations that advocate a boycott of Israel.

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Around 200 leading legal experts have signed a statement defending the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement (BDS) as a lawful exercise of freedom of expression.

Open Letter

Verklaring  van juristen tegen maatregelen van sommige regeringen om de BDS-beweging voor Palestijnse mensenrechten te verbieden

December 8, 2016
In the News

22 November 2016, The Hague: Today, Palestinian human rights groups urged the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to examine the Israeli closure of the Gaza Strip, whi

November 22, 2016
In the News

Two Dutch political parties are calling for sanctions on Israel for its ongoing violations of Palestinian rights.

At its national congress on 16 April, the liberal party D66 – short for Democrats 66 – called on its lawmakers to promote European Union demands that Israel halt its construction of settlements on occupied lands as well as other violations of human rights.

May 7, 2016