Results for: student

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Oberlin, OH: In a historic moment on Sunday May 5th, Oberlin College Student Senate voted to divest from a set of 6 companies that profit from the occupation and oppression of Palestinians. Oberlin College Students for a Free Palestine (SFP) presented a resolution calling for divestment and a supporting petition. After a three-hour plenary, Student Senate voted by majority to support the resolution with several modifications.

“We are thrilled that this resolution has passed.

In the News

In this latest roundup of news from the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement:

- Association for Asian American Studies in US unanimously approves academic boycott resolution
- Sussex University students pass referenda to continue boycott of Israeli goods, urge administration to boycott Veolia
- Faculty at Columbia University and Barnard College launch divestment campaign
- Belgian students call for academic boycott
- UC Davis to vote on divestment
- Sodastream protest leads to boycott victory at Milan bar
- Melbourne activists hold boycott action against Sodastream


In the News

On April 5th, the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU) at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) joined the growing global movement to end Israeli apartheid by endorsing the 2005 call from Palestinian civil society for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel (BDS). The SCSU represents about 10,000 undergraduate students.

April 24, 2013
In the News

Update: The UC Berkeley student president has announced that he will not veto the motion.

The student senate at the University of California at Berkeley voted early Thursday morning in favor of a bill calling on the UC administration to divest from companies which profit from Israel’s occupation.

In a meeting that lasted nearly ten hours,

BNC Statement

treelandday30 March 2013 -- Palestinians are today commemorating with action Land Day, a day in 1976 when Israeli military forces shot and killed six young Palestinian citizens of Israel. These brave youth were among thousands protesting the Israeli government’s expropriation of Palestinian land.

In the News

On March 21st, in an historic vote at the largest students' union in Canada, York University's undergraduate students' union, the York Federation of Students (YFS), voted overwhelmingly in favour of a resolution to endorse the Global Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid. In passing this BDS resolution, the YFS now joins many student unions around the world, who have all passed similar resolutions.

March 22, 2013
In the News

After a hard fought battle, Students for Justice in Palestine at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) claimed a major victory last night when the Associated Student Council passed a resolution calling for divestment from companies profiting from Israeli occupation.

The result – 20 in favor, 12 against and 1 abstention – was announced to loud cheers, the video above shows.

In the News
As Canada’s Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, Jason Kenney, castigated Palestine solidarity activists for organizing Israeli Apartheid Weeks across the country, and as its Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird, threatened “consequences
In the News

The boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign initiated by Palestinian civil society has been gaining strength since its launch in 2005. The aim of BDS is to pressure companies, universities and governments to cut ties with the apartheid state of Israel. It is an international campaign that has had many victories around the world.

Artists such as Elvis Costello, Snoop Dogg, Meg Ryan and Roger Waters have all refused to perform in Israel. Companies such as Alstom, the French transport multinational, lost a US$10 billion contract in Saudi Arabia.

In the News

The battle over the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement on college campuses heated up again over the past week, with California universities as the focal point.

While a pro-divestment measure failed to pass at Stanford University, a similar call won out last night at the University of California (UC), Riverside. And for the second week in a row, UC San Diego debated divesting from companies implicated in Israeli apartheid, as the bill put it, though the vote was tabled until next week.

March 8, 2013