Results for: Mexico

Tras las protestas, el Metro de la Ciudad de México eliminó 12 fotografías de la exposición "Una mirada a Israel" patrocinada por la embajada de Israel en México.
In the News

"We conclude that the State of Israel, its institutions and companies in the military and security sectors, the government of Mexico in recent decades and Mexican companies that have had military and security relations with Israel, can be considered guilty of various charges."

Action Alert

Eight international chefs, all women, are set to participate in the Round Tables festival


Palestinian workers', women's and farmers' associations urge international chefs to cancel their participation in Round Tables 2018 in Tel Aviv. "It is an attempt to whitewash Israel’s grave violations of Palestinian human rights."


Short-list of the top 30 BDS moments of 2017, reflecting massive, collective work by supporters around the world. The BDS movement for Palestinian rights grew among trade unions, social movements and mainstream churches, in universities, among star athletes and prominent cultural figures, in parliaments and at the United Nations. It has compelled major multinationals to end their respective complicity in Israel’s egregious violations of Palestinian human rights, and grows stronger every day.


El listado de los 30 mejores logros de la Campaña de BDS en 2017 refleja un sólido trabajo colectivo por parte de sus seguidores en todo el mundo. La Campaña de BDS por los derechos palestinos se ha expandido entre sindicatos, movimientos sociales, entre las principales iglesias y universidades, entre figuras destacadas del deporte y de la cultura, en los parlamentos y en Naciones Unidas. Ha conseguido que importantes multinacionales pongan fin a su complicidad con las atroces violaciones israelíes contra los derechos humanos palestinos, y adquiere más fuerza. 

BNC Statement

As Right-Wing Governments Unite, We Must Unite to Build A World Without Walls


Más de 200 organizaciones, coaliciones, movimientos sociales y personalidades latinoamericanas publicaron el 9 de julio una carta dirigida a la Junta Directiva de Cemex, la multinacional mexicana, pidiéndole que ponga fin a la complicidad de la compañía en las violaciones israelíes de los derechos humanos en el territorio palestino ocupado


Over 200 Latin American organizations, coalitions, social movements and personalities published a July 9 letter addressed to the Board of Directors of Cemex, the Mexican multinational company, calling on it to end the company’s complicity in Israel’s human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Open Letter

Carlos Santana did not respond to numerous appeals from conscientious fans and went ahead with his Tel Aviv concert