Updates from the palestinian BDS (Germany)


The second global AXA Day of Action included mobilizations all around the world, on the same day as the UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and the 4th global climate strike.

In the News

UN officials say it is not anti-Semitic to criticize the government of Israel. UN letter is now public, as Germany did not respond within mandated 60-day period.

In the News

More than 500 people march as “Queers For Palestine” bloc, reclaiming Berlin's the Radical Queer March as a space for radical queers committed to feminist anti-racist and anti-colonial politics.

September 24, 2019
In the News

Court orders City of Bonn to allow Women’s Association to participate in festival, ruling their exclusion due to BDS support is “not even remotely justified.”

PACBI Statement

Conne Island, Golden Pudel and ://about blank are complicit in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians

BNC Statement

Our nonviolent movement opposes all forms of racism and racial discrimination.

PACBI Statement

Palestinians call for the boycott of Pop-Kultur Berlin festival, until it ends its partnership with Israel