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Results for: belgium

nas noticias

As part of a regular feature, The Electronic Intifada reports on the latest developments of the Palestinian-led global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israeli violations of human rights and policies of apartheid.

BDS campaigners scored a significant victory this month as the London Borough of Tower Hamlets voted to exclude Veolia, a French firm that has provided services to the Israeli occupation in the West Bank, from receiving any contracts with the municipality. Activists have also staged protests and launched campaigns in Ireland, Belgium, Palestine.

nas noticias

Agrexco blockaded at Belgian airport

On February 11, 2011, a group of Belgian peace activists blocked the entrance of the Israeli company Agrexco’s distribution centre at Liège Airport. The activists protested against the import of agricultural goods from Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.

The settlements are in violation of international humanitarian law.

nas noticias

The federal congress of Centrale Generale/ABVV Algemene Centrale in Belgium has adopted a motion advocating boycott entitled "Decent work is impossible under military occupation"

[Full text of motion passed by FGTB Centrale Generale/ABVV Algemene Centrale on 3 June 2010]

Decent work is impossible under military occupation

On May 31st, the Israeli army attacked a convoy with 10,000 ton of humanitarian aid on its way to the Gaza-strip. Among the unarmed campaigners, at least 10 people got killed and 30 people were wounded!

July 4, 2010