Atue agora contra essas empresas que lucram com o genocídio do povo palestino!

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Results for: consumer boycott

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Jay Dow [CBS] - A food fight is heating up in Brooklyn.

The 15,000 member food co-op in Park Slope is considering a ban on Israeli products because of the conflict in the Mideast. Officials there are now debating making an international statement after a member's proposal to take a symbolic stand against Israel.

So far the co-op staff has identified just four products from Israel, but they say it's possible there are others out of the 10,000 products offered at the co-op.

February 23, 2009
nas noticias

Fred Fuentes [Green Left - Australia] 14 February 2009 - Palestine solidarity activists in Sydney have launched a campaign targeting Max Brenner Chocolates, a 100% Israeli-owned company belonging to the Strauss Group, as part of the growing international boycott Israel movement.

The Strauss Group is the second-largest Israeli food and beverage company.

February 23, 2009
nas noticias

At approximately 10pm on Feb. 18, students of Take Back NYU! took over the Kimmel Marketplace. They blockaded the doors and declared an occupation!


They presented the following demands to the NYU administration:



We, the students of NYU, declare an occupation of this space. This occupation is the culmination of a two-year campaign by the Take Back NYU! coalition, and of campaigns from years past, in whose footsteps we follow.

February 20, 2009

By Liisa Schofield | | February 18, 2009 -- The last few months have seen a global surge in support for the movement of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israeli Apartheid.

February 18, 2009
nas noticias

The following is a statement signed by dozens of French academics, calling for an end to Israli impunity and declaring their support for an academic boycott of all "Israeli institutions participating in the occupation."

February 16, 2009
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Tulkarem – Ma’an – The city of Tulkarem will begin a total boycott of Israeli goods starting March, the chamber of commerce announced Thursday.

February 13, 2009
nas noticias

[press kit attached below] - Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, has become the first of any college or university in the U.S. to divest from companies on the grounds of their involvement in the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

February 12, 2009
nas noticias

On Wednesday 11th Feb the University of Manchester Students Union passed a motion in support of the people of Gaza, which includes a resolve to boycott Israel, in an emergency general meeting [1].



February 12, 2009
nas noticias

Adalah-NY - Fifty-five New York rights advocates called today on the city's shoppers to boycott Israeli diamond mogul and settlement-builder Lev Leviev. The pre-Valentine's Day protest was the 13th demonstration held in front of Leviev's Madison Avenue jewelry store since it opened in November, 2007.

February 11, 2009

by Ran Greenstein [Monthly Review Zine] - In the last few weeks, following the recent military attack on Gaza, we have seen an increase in calls for boycott of Israeli institutions in general, and academic institutions in particular. 


February 10, 2009