Atue agora contra essas empresas que lucram com o genocídio do povo palestino!

Abaixo está um guia detalhado de nossas campanhas de pressão, desinvestimento e boicote do consumidor - ajude-nos a espalhar a notícia para maximizar nosso impacto!

Results for: Gaza

nas noticias

Press release: Following the events of yesterday, and the continuing refusal of the Israeli government to comply with international law, the Irish Ship to Gaza campaign is now calling on the Irish government to take the following concrete actions against the state of Israel:

(1) Suspend Israel from the Euromed Agreement, which gives Israel special trading status;

(2) End all arms trade with Israel;

(3) Take steps to ensure that no Irish state-funded institution engages in any cultural, academic, or economic cooperation with the state

November 5, 2011
nas noticias

An Open Letter from Palestinian Students to Their Peers in Europe:
“Time Now to Boycott Israeli Apartheid on University Campuses”

Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine
