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Tuscan city of San Giuliano Terme also endorses Palestinian-led boycott, disinvestment and sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights


La sociedad palestina recibe calurosamente la noticia de que Gilberto Gil, legendario músico y héroe cultural brasileño, ha cancelado su actuación del 4 de julio en Tel Aviv. Su cancelación parece ser en respuesta a la matanza de más de 100 civiles cometida por Israel en Gaza estas últimas semanas.


Palestinians warmly welcome news that Gilberto Gil, a legendary Brazilian musician and cultural hero, has cancelled his July 4 performance in Tel Aviv. His cancellation appears to be in response to Israel’s slaughter of over 100 civilians in Gaza over the past few weeks.

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The artistic director of the D. Maria II National Theater, Tiago Rodrigues, canceled his participation in the Israel Festival, scheduled to take place in Jerusalem next month, and announced his decision to join the cultural boycott of Israel, according to a statement released by the theater today.

May 18, 2018
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The student senate successfully passed “The Protection of Palestinian Human Rights Act". It demands the university divest from corporations that "provide goods and services to Israeli military forces" used "to bomb hospitals in Gaza, bulldoze Palestinians’ homes, construct illegal Apartheid walls, and further suppress and violate Palestinian human rights."


In a statement a representative for the Hollywood star said “[r]ecent events in Israel have been extremely distressing to her and she does not feel comfortable participating in any public events in Israel” and that “she cannot in good conscience move forward with the ceremony.”

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Durham, North Carolina is the first US city to ban its police department from participating in international exchanges with the Israeli military or police. Supporters of the ban say that violent and racist Israeli tactics not only violate Palestinian human rights, but also hurt Black and Brown communities when imported to the United States.


"Dublin has offered the strongest response to date to Israel’s latest massacre against unarmed Palestinian protesters in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. This is the most impressive win yet for the BDS movement in 2018."

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A broad coalition of student groups at New York University votes to endorse BDS, calling on NYU to divest from companies complicit in the Israeli occupation and pledging to boycott Israeli academic institutions and conferences sponsored by Israel.

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The vote mandates USI to lobby universities to divest from and end dealings with companies complicit in the Israeli occupation and violations of Palestinian human rights and affirms the union's support for the boycott of Israeli academic institutions.