Atue agora contra essas empresas que lucram com o genocídio do povo palestino!

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Results for: TIAA-CREF

nas noticias

Next week, student and local community activists will present a petition to the University of Colorado Board of Regents, urging it to remove from the university’s stock portfolio all companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip.

September 6, 2011

As shareholders with the retirement giant TIAA-CREF head to Charlotte this week for their national meeting, there is one issue they will find conspicuously absent from the agenda: divestment from the Israeli Occupation. Despite pleas from shareholders, including medical professionals, students and academics from universities across the United States, the pension fund refused to allow a vote on a resolution that would have compelled TIAA-CREF to consider divestment from companies such as Caterpillar or Elbit.

July 19, 2011

Just more than one year ago, the violent attack on the Freedom Flotilla radically changed the international dialogue on Israel and Palestine.

nas noticias
May 28, 2011

Are boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) proving effective at isolating Israel as a form of pressure to end its violations of Palestinian rights?

May 14, 2011
nas noticias

[New York, April 21, 2011] Jewish Voice for Peace today responded to retirement giant TIAA-CREF’s efforts to thwart a shareholder resolution asking it to engage with companies in its portfolio that profit from Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Despite having built a reputation based on commitment to shareholder democracy, TIAA- CREF asked the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) to bar its shareholders from seeing and voting on the shareholder proposal, arguing that the proposal is unnecessary, as it already has a human rights investment policy and would und

May 4, 2011
nas noticias

[New York, April 21, 2011] Jewish Voice for Peace today responded to retirement giant TIAA-CREF’s efforts to thwart a shareholder resolution asking it to engage with companies in its portfolio that profit from Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Despite having built a reputation based on commitment to shareholder democracy, TIAA- CREF asked the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) to bar its shareholders from seeing and voting on the shareholder proposal, arguing that the proposal is unnecessary, as it already has a human rights investment policy and would und

May 4, 2011
Declaração BNC

Occupied Palestine, October 4th 2010 - The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), on behalf of its constituent organizations and unions representing the majority of Palestinian civil society, calls upon the US non-profit pension fund TIAA-CREF to live up to its motto of providing "Financial Services for the Greater Good" by divesting its funds from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and violation of Palestinian rights.

October 4, 2010