Results for: speed sisters

Action Alert
Take two quick actions to thank Lewis Hamilton for his stand against racism and to urge him to take that stand to Puma over its support for Israeli apartheid that South Africans say is worse than what they endured.
Action Alert

Take action now to urge the drivers for the W Series women's race series to respect the call from the Palestinian Speed Sisters to drop Puma until it ends support for Israeli apartheid. 

Open Letter

وجّهت عضوات فريق (Speed Sisters) لسباق السيارات رسالةً للفنانة الأمريكيّة "مادونا" لحثّها على التراجع عن تقديم عرضٍ خلال فعاليات مسابقة "يوروفيجن" أيار المقبل.