Results for: #MilitaryEmbargo

Action Alert

Last night Israel carried out one of its bloodiest massacres in its ongoing genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza yet.

Action Alert

Together, we are building collective power and hope to stop #GazaGenocide and #DismantleApartheid

BNC Statement

Commemorating 41 years since thousands of mainly Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians were butchered in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon.


El documento exige la ruptura de las relaciones militares y la revisión de todas las relaciones institucionales de Brasil con Israel hasta el fin del apartheid israelí


El documento exige la ruptura de las relaciones militares y la revisión de todas las relaciones institucionales de Brasil con Israel hasta el fin del apartheid israelí


UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, spoke on Thursday to the UN General Assembly and presented parts of his new report, which will be discussed by the Human Rights Council next week.

BNC Statement

On this day we mark 40 years since thousands of mainly Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians were butchered in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon.