Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: USA


The BDS movement calls on all speakers and participants to boycott this conference


Pressure mounts on the US group to ditch concert in Tel Aviv on the ruins of Palestinian village


The US group’s August 29 Tel Aviv concert will help Israel’s far-right government artwash apartheid


Xtina’s scheduled August 10 concert will artwash apartheid and grave human rights violations 


A few days ago, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal accurately described Israel as a “racist state,” and the lobby impulsively pushed Congress to pass an unusual statement, with the usual automatic majority, saying Israel “is not a racist or apartheid state.” 


The US group is due to perform on the ruins of an ethnically cleansed Palestinian village

Declaración BNC

Last summer, ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s announced its decision to end business with settlements in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territo


Despite apartheid Israel’s increased brutality, there is also light on the horizon.