Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: FC Barcelona

Alerta de Acción
FC Barcelona conditioned the match on not playing in Jerusalem. Beitar refused, confirming this really was all about politics. The Barcelona match is off. Let’s urge Atlético Madrid and Inter Milan to cancel their match!

Among the teams calling on European clubs to cancel their friendlies in apartheid Israel is Balata FC, whose promising young player, 16-year-old Said Odeh, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in early May.


Palestinian clubs call on FC Barcelona to cancel "friendly" match with racist club Beitar Jerusalem to be played just a few kilometers away from where Palestinians are resisting Israel's forced expulsions, home demolitions and violent repression in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem.    


November 11, 2019—The Argentina and Uruguay national football teams have confirmed a friendly match in Israel on November 18.


Last February FC Barcelona announced plans for the Barcelona first team to play a match in Tel Aviv (Israel) against a combined team of Israeli and Palestinian players to help “build bridges of dialogue between the two peoples” [1]. It was to be called the “peace match” and was scheduled to be played on July 31, 2013.

August 7, 2013
en las noticias

Palestinians have offered strong support to Palestine footballer and ex-prisoner Mahmoud Sarsak in his refusal of an invitation by FC Barcelona to attend a match at the same time as an Israeli soldier.

In addition, a prisoners’ support group in Gaza has strongly condemned Palestinian Authority officials for accepting the invitation in the first place.

“Palestinian civil society unequivocally rejects FC Barcelona’s

en las noticias

We, Palestinian footballers, athletes and sporting organizations and officials, are dismayed to learn the great team of Barcelona will host Gilad Shalit to the Clasico, Barcelona vs.

September 28, 2012