Atue agora contra essas empresas que lucram com o genocídio do povo palestino!

Abaixo está um guia detalhado de nossas campanhas de pressão, desinvestimento e boicote do consumidor - ajude-nos a espalhar a notícia para maximizar nosso impacto!

Results for: Amazon

Declaração BNC

Israel is abusing and torturing thousands of Palestinian prisoners. The BDS movement calls for urgent and meaningful pressure to #FreeThemAll.

Alerta Ação

This March 14th, as part of #IAW2024: March for Palestine, join the day of action to amplify the campaign calling for pressure on Google and Amazon to #DropNimbus- the cloud platform enabling Israel’s AI-powered genocide in Gaza. 


Join us for a virtual teach-in on Palestinian Nakba and tech complicity

nas noticias

Palestinians urge international scholars and institutions not to lend support to workshop organized with Israeli facial recognition technology firm directly involved in Israel's crimes against Palestinians.


Palestinian civil society supports calls for an ultimate ban on facial recognition technology and reiterates call for local authorities, corporations, universities to immediately end all ties with Israeli company AnyVision over its involvement in crimes against Palestinians.