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Results for: pacbi

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As the smoke clears in devastated Gaza, University of Regina faculty, students and community members reaffirmed their anger over the school's discussions with Israeli universities.

August 14, 2014
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The Organizing Committee of the 11th EBS International Documentary Festival (EIDF) announced on August 13th that it had cancelled its ‘Israeli Documentary Collection’ and ‘Conference on Israeli Documentaries,’ which led to the cancellation of the official sponsorship of the Israeli Embassy in South Korea.

Carta aberta

We particularly appreciate that you distinguish between Jews in Britain and the Israeli State. We could not be further apart from the Israeli state. The insistence of the organisers of the UK Jewish Film Festival on including sponsorship from the Israeli Embassy

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I do not know yet who your loved one was. She might have been a baby a few months old, or a young boy, a grandfather or one of your children or parents. I heard about your loved one’s death from Chico Menashe, a political commentator on Reshet Bet, Israel’s main radio station.

Carta aberta

As Jewish survivors and descendents of survivors of the Nazi genocide we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine.

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The Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Executive Committee strongly condemns the continuing attacks on Palestinian universities, colleges, and schools by the Israeli government, including most recently the June 2014 invasion of Birzeit University, and the August 2014 decimation of the Islamic University in Gaza City.

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USPCN demands the immediate reinstatement of Palestinian American professor Dr. Steven Salaita, and calls on all its members, and people of conscience across the country and world, to again resist the violations of academic freedom that have become commonplace in the U.S. 

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The director of Oldboy joins 100 other South Korean signatories in condemning military action in Gaza and calling on Seoul to halt arms sales to Israel

August 7, 2014
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We address you as a group of employees, faculty members, PhD students and researchers of the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), in The Hague. The ISS is an educational, research and policy institution, part of Erasmus University Rotterdam.  We belong to very diverse disciplinary backgrounds, but we all equally share social justice as a major inspiration of our work.

Carta aberta

The war Israel is currently waging against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza is a continuation of its occupation and blockade of Gaza over many years; its violation of international laws; its apartheid policies and day-to-day violence against people in Gaza. It has become a truism that Gaza has for long been “an open air prison” for its men, women and children, making it impossible for them to live normal lives, leave alone move forward on the road to self determination.