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Results for: pacbi

nas noticias

PACBI, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, recently released its December 2010 newsletter, with many informative updates and articles.

It is available here:

The newsletter includes important editorials from PACBI on academic boycott in 2011 and from the BDS National Committee on the second anniversary of the war on Gaza.

December 30, 2010
Declaração BNC

[PACBI] - It has come to our knowledge that TED, a non-profit organization carrying the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading” has started a program called the “TEDxHolyLand.” This is supposed to be an experience which seeks to “bring together the people of Palestine and Israel who do not ordinarily meet to share a half day together hearing and discussing TED talks on a wide range of topics of common interest.”[1] The Palestinian Students' Campaign for the Academic boycott of Israel and University Teachers' Association in Palestine c

August 29, 2010
nas noticias

[PACBI] - It has come to our knowledge that TED, a non-profit organization carrying the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading” has started a program called the “TEDxHolyLand.” This is supposed to be an experience which seeks to “bring together the people of Palestine and Israel who do not ordinarily meet to share a half day together hearing and discussing TED talks on a wide range of topics of common interest.”[1] The Palestinian Students' Campaign for the Academic boycott of Israel and University Teachers' Association in Palestine c

August 29, 2010