Results for: HSBC


El pueblo originario palestino que vive bajo la ocupación y apartheid israelí vive fuertemente las consecuencias de la crisis climática. 


Indigenous Palestinians living under Israeli occupation and apartheid, with no control over our land or natural resources, are highly vulnerable to the climate crisis.

Action Alert

Tell multinational corporations to stop investing in fossil fuels and in Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people.

BNC Statement

Israel committed its biggest crime of ethnic cleansing since 1967, destroying homes of hundreds of Palestinian families in Wadi Hummus, occupied East Jerusalem. Our most effective response is BDS.

BNC Statement

The growth of our popular resistance and the global, Palestinian-led BDS movement give us hope at a time when Israel’s far-right regime is intensifying its system of apartheid and crimes against our people.



البنك البريطاني (HSCB) يستجيب للضغط الشعبي ويسحب استثماراته، بالكامل، من شركة السلاح الإسرائيلية "إلبيت"، والتي تعدّ أكبر شركة تصنيع أسلحة إسرائيلية خاصة تروّج لأسلحتها الـ"مجرّبة".

In the News

HSBC confirmed it divested from Israeli drone manufacturer Elbit Systems, which sells weapons to Israel's military used in attacks on Palestinians.

BNC Statement

Supporting the call for a comprehensive military embargo on Israel is the most effective response to Israel’s ongoing massacre.

BNC Statement

The BDS National Committee (BNC) supports calls for an independent, international investigation and is calling for effective accountability measures against Israel, particularly a two-way military embargo.

In the News

UK high street banks are investing in and arranging loans for firms supplying arms to Israel