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Results for: Gilberto Gil


Palestinians warmly welcome news that Gilberto Gil, a legendary Brazilian musician and cultural hero, has cancelled his July 4 performance in Tel Aviv. His cancellation appears to be in response to Israel’s slaughter of over 100 civilians in Gaza over the past few weeks.


La sociedad palestina recibe calurosamente la noticia de que Gilberto Gil, legendario músico y héroe cultural brasileño, ha cancelado su actuación del 4 de julio en Tel Aviv. Su cancelación parece ser en respuesta a la matanza de más de 100 civiles cometida por Israel en Gaza estas últimas semanas.

nas noticias

In the first of a new series of regular round-ups from the Palestinian BDS National Committee, we bring you a summary of some of the incredible recent developments from across the global BDS movement.

Take action: Tell Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil to cancel their Israel concert

Sign the petition here:

Brazilian Tropicalia music stars Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil, whose music has aways been connected to struggles for freedom, justice and equality, are scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv.