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Results for: QuAIA

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Photo: Dave Markland

Queer activists and allies gathered outside the Vancouver Queer Film Festival (VQFF) screening of “The Invisible Men”, carrying sparkly signs and handing out pink informational leaflets to festival patrons.

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“We’re drawing attention to Israel’s use of LGBT rights as a propaganda tool to justify apartheid policies and the occupation of Palestinian territories,” said QuAIA spokesperson and longtime gay rights ac

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TORONTO — Following this week’s report from City of Toronto staff concluding that the term ‘Israeli apartheid’ does not violate the city’s anti-discrimination policy, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid is announcing new plans for Pride 2011 that will pose a challenge for Mayor Rob Ford.

“Last year’s struggle was around censorship and our right to march in our community’s Pride parade,” says QuAIA spokesperson Tim McCaskell.