Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC): Posted by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

Open Letter

In an open letter, the BNC calls on all AU member states to reject Israel’s request for observer status without hesitation at the next Executive Council meeting based on our common values of freedom, justice, equality and self-determination. 

In the News

The UN played a crucial role in defeating South African apartheid – it is time to investigate Israel’s unequal regime, by Hanan Ashrawi and Lakhdar Brahimi.

BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee reiterates its call for a boycott of Dubai Expo 2021, demanding governments, companies, and artists to withdraw from this whitewashing event.


We need your support to ensure that the UNGA responds to the Palestinian demand for freedom, justice and equality! 

Action Alert
Take action now by emailing UN officials and demanding that the UN investigates Israeli apartheid and imposes an immediate #MilitaryEmbargo.

In the aftermath of Ben & Jerry’s decision, Israeli politicians and some U.S. officials are waging a new wave of legal and political warfare against the company to suppress the growing support for Palestinian freedom and to silence anyone who speaks out against Israeli injustice. Take action to uplift the Palestinian call for justice and protect the right to protest.


As we continue to resist and to insist on our full menu of rights we call on you to support our march towards freedom.