Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC): Posted by Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Israel wants to build the longest submarine electricity cable to Europe via Cyprus and Greece. UNICEF is a “proud supporter” of this shameful project.


The Court instructed the City of Oldenburg to provide the requested rooms, and BDS Oldenburg was able to hold Israeli Apartheid Week events in a public space.


Today, Palestinian civil society renews its call for a military embargo against Israel and amplifying BDS campaigns to end Israel’s impunity and hold it accountable for its crimes.


A Vienna museum, Volkskundemuseum, has cancelled an Israeli Apartheid Week event where former minister in Nelson Mandela’s government Ronnie Kasrils was scheduled to speak


The EuroAsia Interconnector is projected to link electricity grids in Israel, Cyprus and Greece via the world’s longest submarine power cable. Crucially, the Interconnector would connect Europe’s electricity grid with Israel’s grid that incorporates the illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (OPT), implicating Europe in Israel’s war crimes.



The 2018 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry says BDS is a platform to persuade people of conscience that Israel’s 71-year regime of dispossession and subjugation is an issue of great moral impact and needs our attention.