BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest Palestinian coalition that leads the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, calls for escalating campaigning against fossil fuel giant Chevron by engaging in consumer boycotts of Chevron, Texaco, and Caltex gas/petrol stations. 

BNC Statement

Palestinians call for maximum pressure to stop the genocide and dismantle apartheid.

PACBI Statement

This Israeli normalization organization is intellectually dishonest and seeks to whitewash Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza


Contest organiser the EBU continues to hypocritically reward Israel’s decades of apartheid and occupation with full participation


Today, on International Education Day, we remind the academic community that as part of its #GazaGenocide, Israel is targeting Palestinian education.

Israeli universities are complicit.


As the International Olympic Committee (IOC) meets today, more than 300 Palestinian sports clubs and dozens of major Palestinian civil society organizations are