BNC Statement

Statement by Josep Borrell on behalf of the European Union enables #GazaGenocide

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in Palestinian society, strongly condemns the genocide enabling statement by Josep Borrell on behalf of the European Union. By parroting Israel’s genocidal and baseless propaganda that Palestinian civilian facilities are used as “human shields,” the EU is effectively giving Israel a bright green light to destroy more hospitals, schools, buildings and bakeries, massacring even more Palestinian civilians.

The EU is further entrenching its role as a full-fledged partner in Israel’s genocide of 2.3 million Palestinians in the besieged and occupied Gaza Strip. Under international law, Israel, the occupying power, does not have a “right to self defense” against Palestinians under its occupation. With this statement, the EU is further demolishing the integrity of international law.

The BDS movement calls for an immediate escalation in all mobilization efforts worldwide, including direct action through walk-outs, sit-ins, speak-outs, and blocking shipments of weapons and weapon materials in order to stop #GazaGenocide! If not now, when?


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