Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: Analysis


The controversy generated by Newt Gingrich's outrageous statement last year that Palestinians are "an invented people" should have led to greater caution in the formulation of politicians' public statements on Israel and Palestine.

October 5, 2012

In December 2011, several BDS activists that were acquited of the charges against them relating to their involvement in BDS actions declared that freedom of speech had won out, and their lawyer hoped that the judgement would set a precendent in favour of campaigners. However, the so-called “National Bureau for Vigilance Against Antisemitism” (BNVCA) appealed the decision.

October 3, 2012

New Al Haq report says governments within their rights to sanction Israel over settlement enterprise

Well-respected Palestinian rights organization Al Haq has published a report about the responsibility of states in relation to Israel’s" target="_

September 28, 2012

We may be quietly witnessing these days an important change in Middle Eastern history. The calm, rational human emphasis on ethical behavior and the quest for peace and justice could be triumphing over the attempt to spread victimization and hysteria and to overlook violent and criminal behavior.

This development was clear this week in the United Church of Canada’s vote to boycott products from Israeli settlements. This was in contrast to the exhortations by former U.S.

August 28, 2012

Angelenos may not know Veolia Transportation, the company that runs bus services across our city. But its history of discrimination against Palestinians means both our city’s reputation and our tax dollars are at stake. The Los Angeles City Council ought not to destroy the hard-earned image of our City of Angels by doing business with a company that operates much like Southern bus companies that once discriminated against African Americans.

Veolia Environment is a 155-year-old multinational company based in France that operates in 77 countries.


How Israel can breach international law, commit systematic human rights abuses and colonise Palestine with impunity is typically blamed on the role of the US, for which there is plenty of supporting evidence: from the UN Security Council veto to significant financial and military support.

But the strength and high-profile of the US-Israel relationship has meant that the role of other parties in shielding Israel's apartheid regime has not been subjected to the critical scrutiny it deserves, particularly the case with the European Union.

While those on the hard right portray the EU as represen

August 9, 2012

The recent decision by Morgan Stanley Chase International to remove Caterpillar from its socially responsible investment funds, specifically citing the corporation’s “controversial” role in the occupied West Bank and Gaza (and the ensuing decision to follow suit by the teachers’ pension investment firm, TIAA-CREF), testify to the growing str


Nearly two decades ago, I had a dream. I thought the historic tragedy that befell the Palestinian people was about to end. As such, I refused to be an observer to the historic events that were unfolding; instead, I chose to employ my U.S.


The world's biggest private security corporation G4S, has been having a bad week. But the company has been enjoying a great decade. While the Olympics scandal is putting G4S in the spotlight, its extraordinary global reach and controversial track record are making for some uncomfortable reading.

The transferring of policing, detention and deportation to profit-driven private companies needs to be properly scrutinised.


There is a moment, just before a pendulum changes direction, when it is perfectly still. It is precisely that moment that marks the end of an old way and the beginning of a new one.

July 12, 2012