
There’s nothing “friendly” about playing football with teams representing apartheid Israel. As Palestinians living under the violent and deadly brutality of Israeli oppression, we call on Orlando Pirates FC and AFC Bournemouth to cancel “friendly” matches with Maccabi Tel Aviv in Spain, July 13 and 16.

On Saturday, June 10, 2023, during CAF’s annual shareholders' meeting, the company's image and reputation took a hit. Over a full week of actions, the global #CAFGetOffIsraelsApartheidTrain campaign exposed CAF’s role in Israel's crimes against Palestinians.  CAF’s complicity with Israel’s apartheid regime:

Yesterday, gangs of hundreds of armed Israeli settlers, incited by Israel's far-right government, waged pogroms across the occupied Palestinian West Bank. They torched dozens of Palestinian homes, cars, property, and crops. The Israeli military fired on Palestinians trying to protect their homes. In Turmus Ayya, near Ramallah, 24-year-old footballer Omar Qatin, a father of two, was defending his neighbors when Israeli forces shot him dead. More than 30 Palestinians were injured.

PUMA is nervous! Last month, PUMA’s CEO said “BDS” by mistake as he was talking about the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI). He did it in front of 200 shareholders at PUMA’s 75th anniversary AGM!

As we approach the 18th birthday of the BDS movement for Palestinian rights, we take a look back at some highlights in our struggle for Palestinian rights in the first half of 2023:

The Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees (PFUUPE) and the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) are honored to have The Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA) standing alongside us in the universal struggle for freedom, justice and equality.  

The Association of Black Anthropologists hereby endorses the Resolution to Boycott

AXA profits from war crimes and the crime against humanity of apartheid The French multinational insurance giant AXA continues to invest $15.6M in Israeli banks, Bank Hapoalim (US$ 6.53), Leumi Bank (US$ 5.63M), Israel Discount Bank (US$ 3.08M) and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank (US$ 600K). 

Israel’s massacres, siege, and land theft against our people are escalating. It has killed at least 158 Palestinians already this year, including many children. Yet, the fact that its government is the most far-right, fundamentalist and sexist ever – with a proud fascist component – gives us an unprecedented opportunity to dramatically build our people power to reach the S in BDS – targeted, lawful sanctions.

You won’t believe what PUMA’s new CEO said in front of 200 shareholders in May. BDS! You can’t make this stuff up. As he was talking about the Better Cotton Initiative, or BCI, he said BDS instead by mistake. The BDS slip by PUMA’s CEO is yet another sign that PUMA is alarmed by the growing boycott campaign over its complicity in Israeli apartheid. PUMA is feeling the pressure. And it’s about to increase!