Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: Spanish state

en las noticias

Balata Youth Center, whose 16-year-old player Saeed Odeh was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers last year, and the Palestine Amputee Football Association, made up of players who lost limbs to Israeli snipers and military assaults on Gaza, urge international teams not to play in apartheid Israel.


In October, Liverpool, UK cancelled EWE’s planned arms fair there. Seville cancellation follows protests by progressive, anti-war and anti-racist groups.

en las noticias

Herbolario Navarro, one of the largest ecological and natural product chains in the Spanish state, with 37 stores, will no longer sell Israeli dates

en las noticias

Palestinians urge international scholars and institutions not to lend support to workshop organized with Israeli facial recognition technology firm directly involved in Israel's crimes against Palestinians.

Carta abierta

Filmmakers, Palestinian rights groups and cultural organizations urge participating filmmakers to withdraw from We Are One

Alerta de Acción

Take action now to urge the drivers for the W Series women's race series to respect the call from the Palestinian Speed Sisters to drop Puma until it ends support for Israeli apartheid. 

en las noticias

Courts rejected complaint of discriminatory intent, saying that City of Cadiz was simply calling on Israeli government to comply with international law

en las noticias

On March 19, the Israeli Apartheid Week panel “Conversations on Apartheid, from South Africa to Palestine", with South African MP Mandla Mandela and afro-feminist speaker Desirée Bela, was held online.

en las noticias

Statement by the Complutense University of Madrid Apartheid Free Zone Campaign

Carta abierta

100+ European groups joined a Palestinian call to coordinate Israeli Apartheid Week events with International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination activities on March 21