Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: Risala Editorials

Declaración PACBI

2011 was a year of hope and revolution. At the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), we began the year with a message of solidarity with the people behind the revolutions in the region. By mid-year, the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) National Committee (BNC) expressed a similar sentiment of solidarity with movements around the world that seized on this revolutionary moment. [1]

January 2, 2012
Declaración PACBI

Palestinians the world over have been encouraged by the overwhelming support from the UNESCO General Conference of Member States for the admission of Palestine as a full member in this key United Nations body.  Palestinians are hopeful that this historic decision will pave the way for UNESCO to be a more responsible player in the international community, particularly in upholding international law and UN resolutions concerning Palestinian rights.

December 1, 2011
Declaración PACBI

Palestinians the world over have been encouraged by the overwhelming support from the UNESCO General Conference of Member States for the admission of Palestine as a full member in this key United Nations body.  Palestinians are hopeful that this historic decision will pave the way for UNESCO to be a more responsible player in the international community, particularly in upholding international law and UN resolutions concerning Palestinian rights.

December 1, 2011
Declaración PACBI

[While cultural talks go on] in the nice cinematheques of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa, it is hell on earth in Gaza and I  would not want to be there basically. [1]--Mike Leigh

September 30, 2011
Declaración PACBI

[While cultural talks go on] in the nice cinematheques of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa, it is hell on earth in Gaza and I  would not want to be there basically. [1]--Mike Leigh

September 30, 2011
Declaración PACBI
September 2, 2011
Declaración PACBI
September 2, 2011
Declaración PACBI

September 2, 2011