Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: pacbi


Reunidos na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF-Niterói, no Rio de Janeiro/Brasil) neste mês de agosto, os antropólogos e antropólogas presentes na XIV Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul aprovara

August 23, 2023

La afamada escritora afropuertorriqueña Mayra Santos Febres y la prestigiosa novelista dominicana Angie Cruz, residenciada en EEUU, anunciaron que no asistirán a la Feria Internacional del Libro de

Declaración PACBI

A desperate attempt to divert attention from its shameful acceptance of Israel's sponsorship and its resultant complicity in whitewashing Israel's regime of occupation and apartheid.

August 17, 2017
en las noticias

In solidarity with the Campus Faculty Association of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), which has called upon Chancellor Wise to reverse her decision to revoke the offer of appointment made to Professor Steven Salaita in October 2013, and in consultation with concerned faculty members at UIUC. 

August 21, 2014
en las noticias

“The university is proud of all its students and thanks those who did reserve service,” writes Tel Aviv University dean Yoav Ariel in a 13 August email. “I wish us all a swift return to our blessed routine.”

Carta abierta

The following is a statement by scholars, ex-scholars and associates of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Germany, a think tank associated with the Left Party.  The Foundation’s official position on Palestine is currently under debate and it is periodically accused of antisemitism in German political discourse because of the Palestine-activism of many of its members.

August 19, 2014
en las noticias

In the past month, a plethora of emergency aid responses, organisational position statements and NGO campaigns have been launched in response to the catastrophic Israeli assault on Gaza. Unfortunately, these have been of mixed quality, with most of them making strong comments on the level of destruction in Gaza yet, meanwhile, refusing to publicly condemn the architect of this destruction – the Israeli state and its allies who provide resources regardless of their known complicity in war crimes.

Carta abierta

We, a group of academics, activists and artists in India, came together in 2010 to campaign against yet another apartheid regime by extending support to the international campaign for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel. (Visit our website for more information.)

Carta abierta

In Gaza, there has been a great tragedy for humanity. The whole world is not reacting to it, as if they were all deaf and blind. The Israeli government has lost its discernment and has cruelly targeted Palestinian children. In Ramadan, the Muslim world’s holy month, people having iftar were disrupted by Israeli bombs, by tears, grief and sorrow. Everyone who remains silent in the face of this Israeli cruelty is complicit in this crime.

August 18, 2014